New Component: Reveal-ed!

The Wyng Reveal component helps marketers to add an element of chance and interactivity to their experiences. Use it to create a Spin-to-Win or Scratch Off.

What is Reveal?

The Reveal component simplifies building gamified experiences and consists of three main parts:

  1. Pre-Reveal – Configurable interactive content, for example, a gaming interaction like Spin-to-Win, Scratch Off, or Countdown Calendar
  2. Interaction – A click or scratching “reveals” a reward of some kind
  3. Reward – Can be random, custom, or linked to the user ID somehow for tracking the effectiveness of the experience

Use this component as a building block to a custom experience, or try one of Wyng’s 4 drag-and-drop templates which include the component by default:

  • Spin to Win with Random Outcomes
  • Spin to Win with a Linked Reward
  • Scratch Off with Random Outcomes
  • Scratch Off with a Linked Reward

Spin to winSpin to winScratch offScratch off

How it Works

The Reveal component initially displays some configurable interactive content, e.g., a gaming interaction like a Spin-to-Win or Scratch Off.  After a user interacts with it, the component reveals one of a set of outcomes, either randomly or determined by the user action.  .

You can use the same outcomes for multiple sectors if you have repeat outcomes/prizes in your graphic or game.

There are three modes for selecting outcomes:

  1. Random selection: Set a probability for each outcome in your settings corresponding to the game graphic you created.
  2. Custom selection:  For custom Pre-Reveal experiences, a specific outcome can be selected by a SDK function call.
  3. Linked reward:  This setting allows you to allocate unique coupon codes to each participant. This can include “try again” or “failed” as well.

After an outcome is selected, and the Pre-Reveal interaction or animation is complete, the outcome content is displayed.  The outcome content can either replace the interactive content or be displayed just below the interactive content .  The Reveal component includes basic participation limit logic so that people cannot constantly repeat it or repeat it more than once if that is desired

Reveal Component Inspiration

There are tons of examples out there of great reveal experiences. Here are some of our favorite examples powered by Wyng:

Darphin Wheel of Wonders (link)

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MSG Networks NY Rangers Spin-to-Win (link)

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Ready to Get Started?

Existing Wyng users should check out our Reveal Component Overview in our Help Center. Or, if you are new to Wyng – start your 90 day free trial today! Get started with a scratch off, and then check out our templates for sweepstakes, quizzes, UGC, and more!

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