New Gamification Capability: Swipe Gestures

Gamify your digital marketing efforts by building your own swipe gesture experiences with Wyng!

What are Swipe Gestures?

Made popular by the relationship-building pioneers at, swipe gesture experiences are simple, highly-engaging ways for consumers to quickly share their opinions with a brand. You’re likely already familiar with these experiences – swipe right to indicate “yes”, “love”, “like” or other positive sentiments toward a particular choice; swipe left to indicate a negative sentiment.


While simple, swipe gestures can be a game-changer for customer-centric brands looking to better grow and understand their audiences. Firstly, swipe gesture experiences are low effort to participate in, mobile-optimized, visually engaging, and can offer immediate gratification in the form of a personalized recommendation, coupon code, or other incentive. This means your consumers will want to participate in these types of experiences! Secondly, swipe gesture experiences can help brands learn about their consumers’ preferences in a user-friendly, unobtrusive way. Data collected during swipe gesture experiences can then be used in future interactions to deliver more personalized experiences across marketing channels

How it Works

Swipe gesture questions can be easily added to any quiz, survey, poll, or other Wyng experience that uses the Questions Component. 


There are two options to chose from:

  1. A single choice Yes/No swipe card, or
  2. A double choice swipe card

Both swipe cards can be easily added in our visual builder.


In addition to the swipe mechanics, several options are available for marketers who wish to level-up and polish their swipe experiences. These include:

  • Custom animations when a choice is made
  • Custom overlay stickers when a choice is made
  • Background images behind swipe cards

Lastly, there are new options for results logic and how results can be displayed. For single choice Yes/No swipe gesture experiences, surface results based on the number of “Yes” responses. You can also visualize results at the end an experience by adding a scoreboard, which shows an overview of all selections made by all participants of that experience.

Swipe Gestures Inspiration

Let’s recap. Swipe gesture experiences are incredibly engaging for your consumers, but can also help you achieve your business goals:

  • Drive more email or mobile opt-ins
  • Collect valuable preference data and enrich customer profiles
  • Drive online sales

There are a tons of examples out there, but brands looking for initial inspiration and an easy way to get started can take advantage of these new templates available in the Wyng platform.

Wyng Template 1: Mobile-First Swipe Gesture Quiz (Single Choice)

Use this mobile-optimized quiz template to create a swipe gesture quiz that engages audiences and collects preference data in a fun, user-friendly way. You can preview the single choice swipe quiz here

Wyng Template 2: Mobile-First Swipe Gesture Poll (Double Choice)

Use this mobile-optimized template to create a head-to-head match-up where users swipe right to select their choice. You can preview the double choice swipe poll here

Ready to Get Started?

Existing Wyng users should check out our Swipe Gestures Overview in our Help Center. Or, if you are new to Wyng – start your 30 day free trial today! Get started with one of our swipe gesture experiences, and then check out our templates for sweepstakes, spin-to-wins, scratch-offs, and more! 

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